About Us



Quality is the cornerstone of our business. We source premium-grade raw materials and employ advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure that every piece of plywood that leaves our facilities is of exceptional quality. Our stringent quality control measures guarantee that our products not only meet but exceed industry standards, offering superior performance and longevity. We have genuine quality wood that we use to create a wide range of products that include plywood. We know the modern trends in the wooden panel market, and we understand how crucial it is to balance between the modernity and high-quality of decorative surfacing products.

Our journey began with a vision to provide superior plywood solutions to cater to the diverse needs of our customers. Over the years, we have honed our expertise and expanded our product range to offer a comprehensive selection of plywood products that meet the highest standards of quality, durability, and aesthetics.

We understand that every project is unique, and our dedicated team of professionals is committed to assisting you in finding the perfect plywood solution for your specific requirements. Whether you are an architect, contractor, interior designer, or a homeowner, we strive to provide personalized service, expert advice, and tailored solutions to ensure your satisfaction.

Our product range includes a variety of plywood options, such as commercial plywood, marine plywood, decorative plywood, flexible plywood, and more. We also offer custom solutions, allowing you to create bespoke designs that perfectly suit your needs.

We believe in building long-lasting relationships with our customers and partners. Through our reliable products, exceptional service, and a customer-centric approach, we aim to exceed your expectations and earn your trust. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are dedicated to providing you with an experience that is seamless, efficient, and delightful.

Why Choose Us?

AK Plywood are known for their high standard of building material which is also exported in very less time across the state. We have genuine quality wood that we use to create a wide range of products that include plywood. All the steps from wood cutting to the manufacturing of products and their polishing are done with great care and under the supervision of experienced and well-trained engineers. You have to go through our list of products to see what bounties we offer. You can trust us without any hesitation or doubt. For outstanding integration and customer satisfaction, we deliver the best quality products.

Our Mission

In the future, we aim to continuously invest in technology to bring innovative and sustainable products for our clients, rapidly grow our market share, create profitable growth in harmony, and at the same time play a bigger role in environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

Our Vision

We vision to continuously invest in technology to bring innovative and sustainable products for our clients, rapidly grow our market share, create profitable growth in harmony, and at the same time play a bigger role in environmental sustainability and social responsibility.



We give you a million of reasons to choose us as your interior designing partner! The optimum quality of products, prices that fit your budget, the look that ravishes your visitors, and the guarantees with which you can invest with us, all is offered interactively to you and hundreds of architects across the globe.

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